Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The last one from Russia!

Well the time has come to head home!  We couldn't be more excited.  I have the utmost respect for Chris and Liz who live here all the time.   It's fun for awhile, but then you start to miss stuff.  It makes you really thankful for everything we have at home.   We took Lexi to the Moscow Zoo today.  It was pretty cool.  She barks at any animal she sees so that was pretty funny.  She has been great the last 24 hours, so, of course, we going to change it all on her again.  We leave tomorrow around noon which is 2am on the east coast and get home around 8pm.  Long day, but we'll survive.  We've got the benadryl all ready for the airplane :)  Thanks to everyone for their continued support and prayers over the last month.  I loved getting all the comments and emails.  They were like a little piece of home.  The whole thing is still a little like the twilight zone.  I think when we're home in our house it will seem more real.  I keep saying, I can't believe I have 3 kids.  Everyone's reaction when I tell them the ages of the boys just looks at me like I'm crazy!  I say it will be great, maybe not initial but in the near future, we will have the most fun with them all so close in age.  Dasvadanya! (that's goodbye in Russian)

1 comment:

kelly said...

Wow, the time seems to have flown by on my end! But I know on yours it seems to have gone on forever Im sure.I remember the last few days I was just tearing up all the time when I would think of home and how much I missed things that we take for granted every day.I will be praying for smooth traveling and a happy Lexi all the way home