Sunday, October 19, 2008

A day on the town

We went down to Red Square today and met up with Chris and Liz.  We wandered around for awhile and took in the sites.  The buildings around here are just so amazing.  We just don't have that kind of history in our architecture in the States.  We headed back to Arbat for some dinner at Hard Rock Cafe.  Clay and I (with Lexi) braved the subway by ourselves for the first time and I have to say we did pretty good.  The signs are all in Russian, so we had a map that had Russian and English on it to compare.  The weird thing here is that a station can have 3 or 4 lines running through it and so the station has a different name for each of the lines. That gets a little confusing, but we did well.  The subway here looks nothing like NYC.  It's actually very ornate.  The halls are lined with tile and fancy chandeliers.  Looks sort of like a hotel lobby not a subway tunnel.  Lexi is doing well.  She didn't sleep great last night, but she did nap well today.  The boys head back to SC tomorrow and we can't wait to follow on Wednesday!

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