Monday, October 06, 2008

5 days and counting!

It's Monday evening so only 5 days until Lexi is with us.  Not much happened yesterday so I didn't post.  There are 4 new couples here, all with different agencies plus another Bethany couple.  Most of us hooked up last night and went to the Kras cultural museum.  It was all in Russian, but you got the idea.  Then we all ate at Mama Roma's, the local Italian joint.  Nothing like a bunch of loud Americans in the middle of a Russian restaurant.  It was quite a scene.  Today we went to brunch with our new friends from Alabama.  They head back to Moscow tomorrow with their little girl, Rosie.  She is also 2, so we're getting a glimpse of what's to come :)  We got to visit Lexi this afternoon and she was as playful as ever.  At the end she started repeating "Hi" in her little voice and then cracking up laughing like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard.  Clay is out taking pictures right now.  He wanted to get some good shots of the crazy traffic.  When we get to Moscow, we will be able to post lots more pictures.

1 comment:

kelly said...

Im so glad things are going well, I know how the time seems to drag on waiting for the day to leave.