Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Last Day

We survived our last day in Kras.  It's definitely getting cold here so I'm glad we're headed home, well a little closer to home.  Lexi did much better last night and seems to close to sleep tonight, so that's an answer to pray!  We went out with all the other couples tonight for one last dinner which this time included Lexi and Hilary (the other family traveling with us, little 14 month old).  It was quite an adventure, but we got through it with only 4 tantrums from Lexi :)  At least they're short lived.   We've come to find out that Russians don't believe in letting their babies cry at all, and apparently this runs true even at the orphanage.   We also got warned by our coordinator not to let her cry in the room or someone might turn us in and they would come take Lexi away.  Seriously, thanks for scaring the living daylights out of me.  So now we've been all paranoid about her crying.  But we also don't want to start bad habits.  So hard to parent in another country especially when we know she doesn't understand most of what we're saying.  She has figured out the sign for "more" already.  Like I've said before, she likes to eat and if signing gets her more food, she's all for it.  It took her about 30 minutes to figure out how to sign and get more of whatever.  
We head to Moscow in the morning.  We don't really know the exact agenda there, I guess we'll find out when we get there.  Our whole trip is like that, we have very little control and they only tell us on a need to know basis.  Half the time we get in the car, we don't even know where we're going.  If we ask questions about something more than one day in advance, they just tell us that they'll let us know later.  My inner control freak is about to go insane!!! :) LOL...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray that traveling back to Moscow goes well.