Sunday, October 12, 2008

Crazy Night!

So I never got around to posting last night, but let me just tell you about it.   We had a great day.  Lexi ate lots of food, pretty much anything we put in front of her.  We found a cool park and she took a great nap.  She loves the bath so we did that again.  THEN, bedtime came.  I don't know if she just wasn't tired or she was pushing her limits, but... she was fine at first, just playing in her bed with some toys.  I have to sit in the room with her or she screams.  So I look over and she has taken her shirt off, so we put it back on.  Then a few minutes later, I'm standing in the doorway between her room and ours with my back towards her and I hear what sounds like little footsteps.  I turn around and there she is standing behind me.  Seriously... some how she climbed quietly out of the crib. So back she goes.  We decided to sit on the couch in her room and watch a movie (with headphones) since she apparently isn't going to sleep any time soon.  I look over and she's playing with something, so Clay gets up to check it out.  She has now removed her pants and diaper!!  Somewhere in there she had taken her shirt off again, but we had decided to leave it alone, but now again we get her dressed. Finally she settled down and went to sleep.  The whole process was about an hour and a half!  Stay tuned for tonight's bedtime report...

1 comment:

kelly said...

LOL, Sound like she is going to keep you busy.