Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Alive in Moscow!

This has been a most crazy day.  I'm not sure I can even explain it.  To make it simple, I'm going to use Moscow time though we started out in Kras.   We got up at midnight, got ready, woke up Lexi and drove 40 minutes to the airport.  In the usual Russian fashion, we stood in several lines to check in, go through security and get on the plane by 3am.   The 5 hour plane ride was mostly uneventful.  Lexi slept some, but struggled to get comfortable so mostly squirmed.  It was by far the worst airplane food I've ever had, oh, and it was dinner... figure that one out???  So we arrive in Moscow at 8am and proceed to get our luggage and get in another van to drive into the city.  There was a huge wreck somewhere so it took us nearly 2 hours to get there.  We thought that we were going straight to the apartment here, but again, since no one tells us anything we end up somewhere else.  The driver pulls in a parking lot and says this is where you get the pictures for the medical exam.  Our coordinator shows up and takes us in to get the pics then to a bank to exchange more money, then says we're going straight to the medicals (Lexi has to get an exam for the embassy).  Keep in mind none of us have had anything to eat or drink since getting off the plane and well, even that was not much.  Our travel mates (Pam, Heidi, and Hilary) are with us too, so we are all starving and very tired.  The medicals took about an hour so by this time is 1pm.  THEN, we had to drive to a different building to pay for the medicals, so that took another 1/2 hour.  Finally we're headed to the apartments.  They decided to drop off Pam and Heidi first, and managed to miss the turn and going around the block took about half an hour b/c of traffic.  Finally they are set, and we go on to our apartment.  We arrived here about 3:30pm.  Miraculously the girls did pretty well.  Lexi slept on and off in the van and only flipped out a few times.  She was so excited when we got to the apartment.  She just kept running around like she'd never seen so much space.  Clay immediately went to the grocery store and apparently its a nice one.   2-story with an escalator for your shopping cart.  He's going to head back out to McD's for dinner for us.  I would say its definitely an early to bed night.  You can pray we all adjust to the time change and Lexi to a new bed.  We've also had several frustrating things with the communication about different aspects of the adoption including some financial things, so pray that we can, in a Christ-like manner, help Bethany understand some changes that need to be made. I won't go into detail at the moment.  Only 6 more days here!!!


Anonymous said...

What a day! I'm still praying for you guys and will pray specifically for the situation with Bethany. Thanks for the updates!

Jess said...

Wow guys, such an amazing experience. I am praying for you. I hope you have an amazing week of bonding with Lexi. Take lots of pictures with her in Moscow. I imagine those will be very meaningful to her someday. Love you guys!

kelly said...

Such a journey! We stayed at the Belgrade which was an old Journalist hotel/hangout.It was not to bad abit old but we were very close to the Mcdonalds and the grocery store.I dont think Bob had ever been so happy to see a McDonalds in all his life,our region had very little to offer.

Anonymous said...

wow.. I just read YOUR blog.. much more detail than Clay's! :) You three are constantly in our prayers.. we miss y'all like crazy! Say hello to Liz & Chris for all of us.. can't imagine the time changes... sleep well.

Christine & Jared leave for India tomorrow.. for 2 wks. More adventures...