Thursday, October 02, 2008

Here's a picture from today!  I haven't loaded any other pics b/c internet is such a commodity over here.  You can look at Clay's site for a few more.

The big thing today was that Lexi said "Papa" and pointed at Clay.  We thought it was a fluke the first time, but she did it several more times :)  Made his day!  She gets more animated and more verbal everyday.


The Dentons said...

Oh my goodness! I just love her! Bit chilly, there sweater lady, eh? No worries on the 12mo clothes...I'll pull out that "space bag" this week. :)

The Dentons said...

Oh my goodness! I just love her! Hey, Sweater Lady...bit chilly, eh? No worries on the 12mo clothes. I'll pull out that "space bag" this week. :)

kelly said...

Aww! how sweet she is, Those words will be flying out of her mouth before you know it.What size clothes is she? Tell Clay im still reading his blog too,I just cant seem to leave a comment still.

Anonymous said...

You two look so sweet together! She is so precious. Still praying for you guys. I see hints of her being a daddy's girl. Tell Clay thanks for the info and Kelly mentioned, I can't leave a comment on his site either! Love the pics and updates!