Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Back home

So I had been thinking all day that I should post a little bit about what the boys have been doing in KC while we're away.  They have been having so much fun and I think they've eaten McDonald's about 7 times already.  They've gone to the pumpkin patch, the petting zoo, and Worlds of Fun as well as old friends' houses to play.  My parents said they've been great other than some potty issues, but what's new with that.  They may just be being nice to me anyway.  So... today we call them AND my mom got appendicitis and had to have her appendix out yesterday (Monday). Seriously.  My poor dad now has a sick wife, 2 toddlers, and a job to juggle (a job based on the stock market-so not a great week anyway).  Needless to say, they definitely could use your prayers.  They've had such a great 2 weeks and I had this happy little blog planned and now this.


kelly said...

oh man Im sorry to hear about your mom,I hope she is feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on the boys. I will add your mom and dad to the prayers. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help. Miss you guys.