Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sunday and Monday

Sunday we went back to the western wall. Again we were totally overwhelmed with emotion. One of the traditions is to walk backwards when you're leaving the wall. At first we didn't understand but after praying at the wall, you get it. You don't want to leave Gods presence. Wow! After that, we drove out to the dead sea. It was a blast. We floated around and then covered our selves in mud, so apparently I should look 10 years younger.., don't think it worked. I got some great pictures! It was a great relaxing afternoon. We definitely needed it! Monday we did one of the hardest things. We visited the holocaust museum. Let's just say many tears were shed. We also visited some other museums and a cemetery. There is a Jewish institute here that is preparing for the rebuilding of the temple. I had no idea that this was happening. They've already built many of the pieces that are needed in the temple like the gold menorah and the table for the bread. We got to see it all. Very cool! We got to go in more caves and tunnels under the city! We were walking under the city streets where the zealots hid from the Romans.

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