Sunday, May 27, 2012

A little behind

So we get to the nice hotel in Jerusalem and Internet costs money. :) that's one of the reasons I didn't blog last night but it's mainly because I was way too tired and didn't even get to the hotel room until 10:30. We walked close to 8 hours straight yesterday. Mom with an upset stomach. The big event was walking through hezekiahs tunnels. It was awesome! The water got about thigh high at one point but was mainly a little over the ankle. Since its spring fed it was extremely cold which felt great in the heat here. The bad part was that the way out was through a longer and narrower tunnel that ran along the sewer line. Let's just say the potty jokes got way out of hand! We attended sabbath services at the Great Synagogue and then came back for dinner at 9pm. Mom stayed home and slept. Several people have drugs that they have given her so she is doing better today. The choir at the service was incredible but of course it was all in Hebrew so we didn't understand but a word here or there. Today we basicslly did the via dela rosa. It was another walking adventure. The garden of gethsemane was gorgeous. Unfortunately I think we were all a little disappointed by the church of the seplecture. There are several different churches basically all in the same building and they have all put their own touches on it. Think catholic church on speed!! It was so over done. Tonight we went to the western wall. It's a holy day so it was quite an experience. I was so overwhelmed with thoughts and emotion. Good night for now!

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