Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The heartbreak of Shiloh

We visited the town of Shiloh today. A rabbi that was also the mayor for a few years gave us a tour of the school. He is originally from NYC, but has lived here for 20 years. He and his son were victims of a terrorist attack 10 years ago. God miraculously saved them both. The school that he has been developing has about 1000 children in it. Because of where this town is every single kid there has been affected by terrorism. The school has normal learning but also has all kinds of therapy for the children's recovery from the attacks. They have art, music, and horse therapy as well as physical, speech and occupational therapy. It was amazing. We also sat in on a class where the students sang a whole section of the Torah for us. You can visit the website to see all the info on the school at So much more happened today but it's almost 11pm and we have a 6:30 wake up call. I will try to do more tomorrow. You can visit the tour groups Facebook page to see more pics. It's Lipkin Tours.

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