Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday's adventures

Today was a day of patriarchs. We saw much of where Abraham traveled and the site of Jacobs dream. Most of what we saw today comes from genesis 12-32. At the site of Jacobs dream there is also the ruins of s small mosque and a chapel from the crusades. There was the oldest tree in Israel also on the site. They do not cut trees if they are on a holy site.asevidenced by all the ruins, this is obviously a holy place. One interesting thing is that it looks as you would imagine... Barren desert, however at Jacobs time it was wooded. Remember that he was running away and so he hid outside of bethel in the woods. They also recently uncovered there what they believe to be the ruins of jeroboams temple. We climbed the summit of the star(not going to attempt the Hebrew name). We could see the Jordan valley, Jordan, the dead sea and the mount where God promised Abraham the land. We visit where the ruins of Saul's citadel... King Hussein put his place on top of it. However that was destroyed in the 6 day war. I so wish I could post picture but that's going to have to wait until I get home. I beg your mercy on my typing :) an iPad is not easy to type on.

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