Friday, June 08, 2012

traveling nightmare

So our traveling turned into a nightmare.  We got up at 5:30am, got to the airport 3 hours before flight, got on plane only to have mechanical difficulties and sit there for 2 hours, 12 hour flight, missed our connection at JFK, so hung out for 3 hours in airport while they tried to figure out what to do with us, got shuttled to a hotel near La Guardia for the night, got dinner from the bar at 9pm.  By the time we went to bed, we had been up for 24 hours straight other than some catnaps on the plane.  Our group ended up divided the next day on to 3 different flights from La Guardia to KCI.  We ended up on the latest one at 3:45pm, arriving home at 6:30pm on Tuesday.  I can't begin to explain how exhausting all of this was.  But we are home and unpacked and clean :)

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