Saturday, June 02, 2012


We only went one place this morning! What a change. We walked to the port city of Jaffa otherwise known as Joppa. Think Jonah! We had the afternoon off to do whatever. We ate a leisurely lunch outside by the port. The restaurant brought 20 salads to the table. All in little bowls. Don't worry I got a picture! Mom and I ate some sea bass caught this morning. Yummy! Then we went and swam in the Mediterranean! I have never seen a beach so crowded. Seriously, you could hardly walk down the beach. It was insane. Mom is napping as I write this. We have dinner and then a walk to independence hall where Ben-Gurion declared Israel's independence! Should be amazing. Tomorrows another full day and then Monday is lots of flying! We are all afraid of the long flight because we leave at 10:30am and so we're thinking we won't be sleepy. Say a pursuer for us if you think about it on Monday!

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