Saturday, June 02, 2012

Fridays fun

We spent a lot of time on the bus yesterday driving down towards Tel aviv. But first we went to Capernaum! We saw Peter's mother in laws house and Jairus house plus the synagogue. We also went down by the sea where Peter's fishing business would have been located. Did you know history says he owned 30 boats. It was not a small business. We also visited a hillside where the sermon on the mount most likely took place. I really had no idea that we knew where so many of these places where. It's just incredible to see. This country is so beautiful! We stopped at a town called Korazim and saw the ruins of a synagogue where Jesus taught. It's sort of become a joke about how all our pictures will look like piles of rock in the desert :) lots of ruins! I just hope the true story comes through in my pictures when I can share them. We stopped briefly at a place where Solomon had a palace. It was actually closed because it was the beginning of Sabbath but we could still see some of it. We had the evening off so several of us after dinner went for a walk along the boardwalk here in Tel aviv. We are in our final hotel. It's 5 star right by the beach. You can look at its website if you want to see. It's called the Dan Panorama. The dinner buffet was by far the biggest spread I have ever seen. It's funny though between all the hotels the food is basically the same sorts of things... And it's all kosher. I can't wait to eat cheese with my meat again!! :) I have enjoyed the falafel and hummus. Going to have to find me a place in KC!

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