Saturday, September 27, 2008


3 hours and 8 doctors later, we survived our medicals.   They didn't like part of my blood work, so they took more blood. However they signed off on everything so it shouldn't be a problem.

On a different note, let's talk about personal space as in you don't have any here :)  You stand in lines every where here and you have to be pretty aggressive or people will just cut in front of you. For example in McDonald's yesterday, the guy behind us was basically spooning Clay! :) The lady behind me was significantly shorter than me so she had her nose in my back.  After half an hour in line, I was hot and a little clostrophobic.  Never been so glad to get my fries and get out!

We leave tonight on a 1:30 am flight to Kras, so we get to hang out in the hotel lobby until 10pm tonight.  Can't even walk around b/c its raining!  We are trying to hook up with the Lawsons for dinner (they're our missionaries here in Moscow).

Time info... people have been asking about the time difference.  Moscow is 8 hours ahead of the east coast and Kras is 12 hours ahead.

We get to see Lexi in 2 days!!!


kelly said...

Hi,Glad to hear your medicals went well, we got to do ours in the states so we didn't have to suffer through that. I remember the Moscow McDonalds! after a month in our region we were so happy to see that sign and get some familiar food.Have a good flight.

Anonymous said...

Glad the physicals went well. I hope Olga was gentle...ha,ha,ha. I can't stand being packed in tight with crowds, so I feel for you. Glad you're safe. Hope you get to hang with Chris and Liz. Praying daily for each of you. God bless.