Friday, September 19, 2008

Russia trip

We've been so busy with trip plans, I haven't even posted what's going on.  We're leaving on Monday to take the boys to KC to stay with grandma and grandpa.  Then on Wednesday Clay and I are on to Russia.  We will get to Moscow on Thursday morning and will be there until Saturday.  Then we spend 18 days in Krasnoyarsk before returning to Moscow with Lexi.  Woohoo! We then spend a week in Moscow doing more paperwork :)  We will arrive home on October 22nd.  My parents are bringing the boys home a few days before that!  Please pray for all the traveling and hotels and everything to work out, and for safety, of course.  We are going to ask the judge to waive the 10 day wait period, so pray she's feeling generous.  We've only heard of one other family this year that got it waived.  There are so many more things I could list to pray for, but I trust ya'll to think of those.  

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