Monday, September 29, 2008


So the internet has been a little iffy, but its up and running tonight.  We got to video conference the boys tonight(your morning) which was fun b/c we hadn't been able to talk to them in 3 days :(  I was on the verge of losing it!  

We saw Lexi today and she has grown so much.  She is much taller and has more hair.  They told me she was losing her curls, but I figure the SC humidity will bring them right back.  She warmed up to us much sooner than last time and is definitely trying to talk.  She's already figured out that Clay's ipod is a fun toy :)  She was sliding between pictures of her and the boys.  She got a big grin when she saw a picture of Jonah dressed like a pirate!  She also had on the clothes I had left with her in April which was good and bad.  They were adorable, but they are also 12 month which means much of our closet may not fit her.  She will have a great wardrobe in the spring! 

The other mom traveling with us got to see her daughter too.  They are in the same orphanage and they even put us in the same room which was fun.  After that we spent close to 2 hours with our host here prepping us for court.  Clay is a little nervous now b/c he has to do most of the talking.  Instead of what we thought which was to keep answers short and simple, they want long in depth emotional answers.  They even told Clay it was okay to cry :)  That is so opposite of the Russian culture here so we were very surprised by that.  Apparently all I have to say is that I am in good health, don't have a criminal record (shhh!), and I agree with everything Clay says.  I guess I can fib a little to get my daughter :)

More to come after court if the internet is working.


kelly said...

Good Luck in Court. It was so hard to listen to Bob do all the talking LOL I wanted to say we really want her now lets go!

Anonymous said...

I saw Clay's website, and Lexi is so adorable. I am so glad you finally got to be with your baby girl. You will be covered in prayer for the court appearance. P.S. My girls are out of 12 month clothes already...they may be a little summery but you are welcome to anything you want.