Friday, August 03, 2007

More News From Russia

Our social worker emailed me yesterday and we are number 4 on the list of 25! Clay and I were excited about this b/c we really had no idea where we fell. We also don't have to re-do any paperwork at this point which was also good news. If you're bored one night and need something to read check out the US Embassy in Russia's website at
It tells in much detail the procedures that we will go through when we're there. Most of what it describes will be on our 2nd trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new pics. Jonah looks like he's a riot. And, of course, he just keeps on growing. Funny how that happens. :)

I wish I could come visit again, but since I just recently bought a plane ticket to CT, it might be a little while before I can afford another one. I leave for CT next Sat (8/10) and come back on 8/17. I'm so excited. I need a vacation so bad! I haven't had one since visiting you guys last September. Its about time for another one. I'm looking forward to the sailboat and just hanging out with dad and Ginny and relaxing. NO WORK for a week. Yes!

Anyway, give Jack and Joe hugs and kisses for me. Miss you guys!!
