Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Good News From Russia!

We got this email from our social worker today. This is very good news for us. It means things are finally moving along. Woohoo!

We have just confirmed with Dr D that Adopt A Child in PA (one of two agencies accepting Bethany home studies) has received written confirmation of their re-accreditation. This is indeed good news for all those families who have been waiting and other families who are interested in a Russian adoption but hesitated to apply because of the delay of accreditation.

Dr. D will begin submitting the dossiers of waiting families in the order that he received them. Sam will be contacting you if your family needs to update documents at this time. It will probably be a couple weeks before we can determine how quickly submitted dossiers will be acted on in the regions. It is summer and many officials are still on their vacation. We have approximately 25 families in process at this time for Dr. D regions.

Thank you all for your prayers! Keep it up!

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