Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A Mother's Job!

When you decide to become a mom, nobody every tells you what it's really going to be like or what you will find yourself doing. For example, today I spent an hour cleaning up poop! Yes, that's right. In the midst of potty training, Jackson this morning decided to poop upstairs on the carpet. Before I could get up there, Jonah had stepped in it and stuck his hands in it. He was saying "uh-oh" repeatedly. Jackson had also stepped in it and then run to the bathroom. So I had poop orginating in Jackson's room and then trailing all the way down the hallway to my bathroom, not to mention all the places on the wall that Jonah had touch. So I first have to put Jonah in the bathtub and try to rinse him off as he screams at me b/c lately he's decided he doesn't like the bathtub. Then I cleaned what I could off the carpet and then put Jackson in the bathtub. After that was done, I got more serious about the carpet cleaning and scrubbed for awhile on many, many spots. Needless to say, this is not how I planned on spending my morning! Hope this gives everyone a good laugh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and this is why i am going to adopt kids who are already potty-trained. sick, andrea. haha!!!