Monday, December 08, 2008

Lexi update...

We went to Charleston a couple of weeks ago to visit MUSC's international adoption clinic.  We met with 2 doctors and an occupational therapist plus an intern was there observing.  It was quite a crowded room.  Lexi did great during the visit.  They seemed impressed with her language and gross motor skills.  Overall they rated her at about 18 months old, so not too far behind.  They did a bunch of blood work and everything is good.  They also tested her vaccines and her levels were where they should be so we don't have to redo her vaccines.  Woohoo!  She did have some skin infections, so she got an antibiotic for that, but otherwise she's great.  We go back in 6 months to see how she's progressing.  If you're still looking to pray, just continue to focus on communication.  It is very frustrating to Clay and I trying to give her rules/boundaries when we don't know how much she's understanding.  She is very obsessed with non-toys in the house i.e. my computer and the dvd player :)  Hopefully after Christmas she'll have enough toys that she likes, but I'm not convinced.

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