Monday, November 10, 2008

The Boys in KC

I know its a lot of pictures, but they were there for a month.  The grandparents, Aunts and Uncle spoiled them rotten.  I think they did every fun thing in KC while they were there.

The floating heads!

GG and the boys.

The boys and their new friend Kyle at Deanna Rose Farmstead.  Its a great free petting zoo that has a pumpkin patch this time of year.

Jonah, Jackson, Carolyn and Emma.

Aunt Amy had the whole first week off, so they did lots of fun stuff like painting, cake making, and chalk on the driveway.

The Bass Pro Shop had archery for preschoolers one night.  Jackson was the only one who showed up so he got lots of practice.

Of course, its not a true vacation unless you get to go out on Uncle Clay's boat.  

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