Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rough Stuff

So our social worker called this morning with bad news.  I guess this never happens, but some judge in Russia made a decision that affected a bunch of kids in orphanages and the little girl referred to us was one of them.  Anyway, now we will not be getting that little girl.  It feels weird to grieve over someone I never really had, but you can get very attached to a picture.  Clay and I have spent the morning crying and trying to explain to Jackson what happened when we don't really even understand it ourselves.  They did say there's a possibility of another little girl that's about 15 months old.  We will know more on this in the next 24 hours.  As of right now, we are still heading to Russia next week and will meet this new little girl.  Please pray for us to make the right decisions for our family!  It's a big adjustment to our minds and spirits to switch from one girl and just move on to the next.  We need to grieve, but we also want to move on with new possibilities. I will post when we know more.

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