Thursday, December 13, 2007

He's come a long way!

It's hard to believe our little premie is 4 years old now. I had to put these pictures up as a comparison. He was born 4 lbs 1 oz and 16 inches long. He now is 36 lbs and 41 1/2 inches tall (75% for his age). In this 2nd picture, he is wearing a premie outfit that was still too big for him. I think that's the first time he had on real clothes (thanks Uncle Clay) and he was probably 10 days old. Wow! All I can say is God is good. He definitely took care of all of us those first couple of weeks. I remember the nurse saying that he would have to be in the hospital up to his due date which would have been 8 weeks, and yet because of many prayers, he was home in just 3 1/2 weeks. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support during that time.

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