Thursday, June 21, 2007

adoption update

Here's the latest news from Russia. This is all still a little unofficial, but it is progress. The following came in an email from Bethany's European coordinator.

I am always hesitant to "put out" news that has not been officially given but because two families have already questioned this, I thought it would be appropriate for all to know. Yesterday we learned that 5 agencies (at least two American) had their accreditation documents returned to the Ministry of Education in Moscow having obtained the approval of the Ministry of Justice, Security etc. Their Certificates of Accreditation have not yet been issued but it appears that the re-accreditation process is working. We don't know if the certificates will be issued immediately or is they will wait to do as a group - still many unknowns.The other question being asked is whether Nightlight or Adopt A Child is one of the agencies. They are not - their documents are still in process.

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