Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tour of the State

So Clay and I left at 9am this morning and drove to Charleston which is just under 2 hours away. We had to go to the Dept of Homeland Security to get fingerprinted as part of the adoption process. We then drove to Columbia which is about 2 hours from Charleston to visit the Secretary of State's office to get documents apostilled. Yes, we already did this once, but there were a few that we forgot to sign, so we had to redo them. We dropped these documents off at the Bethany office along with more money :) and then headed home, a 2 1/2 hour drive. All of this was in the lovely stormy weather we're having here. The good news is that we're done with everything now until we actually get the referral for a child. Then there will be another mad rush of paperwork. The other good news is that I still know to parallel park!! Please pray that the Russian government will finish their paperwork so that the agency can get re-accredited. They are dragging their feet right now. We will not be given a referral until the accreditation is approved. To read more on the situation, click on the link below and scroll down to the Russia section.

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