Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The continuing Cartwright saga

So Jackson got the stomach flu last week and in his typical fashion, it lasted for 3 days. During his 3rd day Clay decided to get it and spent the better part of the weekend in the bathroom. By Sunday morning he was completely dehydrated, so I had to take him to the hospital. That's right, his 2nd Sunday here and he had to call in sick. They were very understanding. So he got 2 bags of IV fluid and some nausea meds, and came home a different person. I had to call up almost complete strangers at 8am on Sunday morning to come babysit the boys but it worked out b/c the boys are so tired of me and Clay, they were excited for the new face! Anyway, I have yet to get it, so I thank all of you out there that I know were praying for me! Leave it to us to have to visit the hospital within 3 weeks of getting here.

More later...

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