Tuesday, July 25, 2006

It's Official

We sold the house! Woohoo! We will close on the 11th, but they won't take possession until the 14th, so we have time to move out. For those of you in KC, we get there on Wednesday the 9th and are there until Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, we will not be bringing the boys with us. I know that's who everyone wants to see! Our plan here is to rent a house for the next 6-7 months while we build a house. We just haven't found any houses we're crazy about and they're all expensive. It's going to end up cheaper for us to build. We went today and looked at a 3 bedroom rental house. It's great! They've just redone everything in the house... new paint, new carpet, new appliances. It's a great neighborhood with a pool and a playground. There are also lots of church families close by. We will be able to store what doesn't fit in the house in the garage, so we won't have to pay for storage too. Anyway, that's the latest from us. We'd love to hear from anyone. If you leave a comment, it emails it to me!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Jonah's first steps

Jonah took his first step this weekend. He was standing up at a chair and then let go with both hands and took a step towards me. Then he realized what was happening and grabbed the chair again. He took one other step by himself later on. Granpop and Granginny get here this week and I have a feeling they're going to get to witness the real thing!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The continuing Cartwright saga

So Jackson got the stomach flu last week and in his typical fashion, it lasted for 3 days. During his 3rd day Clay decided to get it and spent the better part of the weekend in the bathroom. By Sunday morning he was completely dehydrated, so I had to take him to the hospital. That's right, his 2nd Sunday here and he had to call in sick. They were very understanding. So he got 2 bags of IV fluid and some nausea meds, and came home a different person. I had to call up almost complete strangers at 8am on Sunday morning to come babysit the boys but it worked out b/c the boys are so tired of me and Clay, they were excited for the new face! Anyway, I have yet to get it, so I thank all of you out there that I know were praying for me! Leave it to us to have to visit the hospital within 3 weeks of getting here.

More later...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

more beach pics

We bought this boat for the boys to ride the waves. They wear their lifejackets, of course. Jonah loved it so much that he fell asleep. Jackson, however, was not so impressed.

Jackson quote: "before we go to the beach, we have to get our swimsoups on" :)

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Fourth of July

Here are some family pics we took on the Fourth. We went in the morning to Beauford, SC about 20 miles north of us. We took a horse drawn carriage ride tour of the town. There are lots of pre-civil war homes. Most of the movie Forrest Gump was also filmed there, so we heard some stories on that. We ate lunch at Friendly's which made some of our former east coast friends very jealous. If you don't know, Friendly's is famous for their ice cream. We didn't stay up for the fireworks though some in our neighborhood woke up Jackson. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, so he got to stay up until they were over. That was about the extent of our day. Hope you all enjoyed your holiday!
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Beach Bums

The boys enjoyed a snack on the beach. Jackson eats crackers and peanut butter. Jonah eats sand. No kidding, he loved it!
We had lots of fun on our first beach trip and everyday since then Jackson asks if we're going to the beach. The pool seems to satisfy him on most days.
We spent most of the morning in the water jumping over the waves. We also collected some seashells for all of Jackson's girl friends back home.

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