Monday, May 15, 2006

Jackson's quote of the day

Okay, I know I already did one post today, but this was too good not to share. Jackson likes to listen to music and dance around (good exercise for mom!). Anyway, today I decided we needed a new CD to listen to, so I went upstairs and I found the Mighty Ducks:D2 soundtrack with all these fun upbeat songs on it. (Disclaimer... the CD is Clay's not mine!!!) So the song "We Will Rock You" by Queen comes on and I was showing him how to stomp and clap, and then the we will rock you part comes on and his eyes light up and he smiles at me and says, "Like on American Idol!" I fell on the floor laughing b/c he was so right. A few weeks ago they did Queen songs on American Idol and he watched part of it with me, although I had no idea he even knew the name of the show. He was sad that Chris got voted off last week b/c he was his favorite, so he says.

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