Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Another first

today, for the first time with the help of his dinosaur, Jonah stood up all by himself. Mom was not quick enough for the camera, so we have no documentation.
Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Bike rides

So we used our bike trailer for the first time last weekend. The boys loved it. Jackson said "Weee" around every corner. Jonah did what he does whenever there's movement. He fell asleep. Daddy about died by the end of the ride :) This will definitely be a frequent family activity!
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Monday, May 15, 2006

Jackson's quote of the day

Okay, I know I already did one post today, but this was too good not to share. Jackson likes to listen to music and dance around (good exercise for mom!). Anyway, today I decided we needed a new CD to listen to, so I went upstairs and I found the Mighty Ducks:D2 soundtrack with all these fun upbeat songs on it. (Disclaimer... the CD is Clay's not mine!!!) So the song "We Will Rock You" by Queen comes on and I was showing him how to stomp and clap, and then the we will rock you part comes on and his eyes light up and he smiles at me and says, "Like on American Idol!" I fell on the floor laughing b/c he was so right. A few weeks ago they did Queen songs on American Idol and he watched part of it with me, although I had no idea he even knew the name of the show. He was sad that Chris got voted off last week b/c he was his favorite, so he says.

The Zoo

On Friday we went to the zoo for Mother's Day. Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle Clay joined us. If you've ever been to the KC zoo, you know it's big and requires a ton of walking, not to mention fighting the kids on field trips. So we made the usual mad dash around to get everything in before nap time. We started out at the sea lion feeding show which is what Jackson and I are gazing intently at. We saw hippos, giraffes, crocs, zebras, and every kind of bird imaginable. KC people must love them b/c the zoo has always been dominated by birds. We also saw kangaroos and every kind of primate there is. With photographer Clay along, we, of course, have pictures of tons of animals, some of them not even part of the zoo. However these are ALL the people pictures we have from the trip (I'm not exaggerating). If you want to see the animal pictures, just go to istockphoto.com in a few days and you should be able to see them there. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining b/c the more pictures we have up there the more money we make. It does however make it difficult to scrapbook Jonah's first trip to the zoo when all I have to work with is a picture of him chewing on his toe (which, by the way, is his new favorite chew toy!). Enjoy!

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Hanging at the garage sale

I thought I got rid of a ton of stuff before the last move, but some how the prospect of moving across the country puts it in a whole new light. Anything that could go, went. Unfortunately I didn't get rid of everything, so it will now be going to charity. I did make $500 though, so it was worth all the work. Jackson was an excellent salesman. He was showing everyone how the toys worked. The neighborhood was selling food at the pool, so both days the boys got a wagon ride to the pool to get lunch for everyone. Somehow we got no pictures of that. Jonah loves the wagon. He screams in delight!
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Jonah pics

Dr. Jonah- He found this and put it around his own neck!

Gotta love the double chin!

I want daddy's glasses SO bad! I also like to chew on his hat! Posted by Picasa