Wednesday, October 01, 2008

We visited Lexi again today.  She is definitely warming up to us especially to Clay now.  We had a room to ourselves, so we just had fun with her today.  She was acting much more like a crazy 2 year old :)  After our visit to her, we hooked up with another couple that is also adopting a 2 year old girl and they have a 6 year old son with them that they adopted from Russia.  We ate California Pizza Kitchen and then braved the Kras flea market.  It was great.  We also went in the toy store and bought a little stroller.  And then there was the food market... like a city market that you can buy fresh food.  There were piles of fruits and veggies so we got some apples and bananas.  But there were also piles of raw fish and caviar!  Literally bowls of caviar just sitting there.  Then there was the pet store in the next room, at least we think they were for pets :)  All in all, a fun day.


kelly said...

Sounds fun, glad you are having weather you can get out and site see in.

Rhonda Rose said...

'I have called you by my name you are mine" Isa 43;1 As I give praise to God for what he has done for you I think of the above verse. As he has called us by his name you have had the opportunity to do the same with a beautiful girl whom he chose just for you. I pray that he knits your hearts together more strongly with each visit. Very soon you won't be able to remember life without her.
Hurry home. I can't wait to meet your little brunette!!
Love, Rhonda

Unknown said...

Dear Andrea and Clay,

Congratulations! We are so HAPPY for you and we can't wait to meet our newest little neighbor! Isabella and Noah are counting the days until you get home.
All is well here and we miss you. We are praying for ALL of you daily!!
Rob, Kristy, Isabella, and Noah