Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More Birthday Pics

A Thomas tent from Granpop and Granginny.

A Cars race track from brother Jackson.

We got some Diego party favors including animal sunglasses.

Jonah's 2nd Birthday!

A candle in his blueberry waffle (that's what he asked for). He also got his first taste of chocolate milk!

The boys opening matching presents... Cars t-shirts!! They were very excited.

He got a puppy that is now affectionately called Snuggle Puppy.

Check out the loot!

Talking Scoop from Uncle Clay and Aunt Amy!
Jonah had lots of fun opening presents on his 2nd birthday. Here's a quick clip of him opening his echo tunnel.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Our Big 2 Year Old!

Okay, I know everyone says he looks like me, but until this first picture I hadn't really seen it. For some reason, maybe its the look, I do see myself in Jonah. It's hard to believe my baby is two.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Big Week!

So Sunday marked the first anniversary of our church in its new building, and it was also the first Sunday of our new campus on Hilton Head Island! All very exciting. Today was my first MOPS meeting and I think things went really well. I have a great team of people and they really shined today. I guess I'm officially over my fear of being up in front of people. Next week is my 30th birthday and 8th Anniversary! We have had a busy couple of weeks. I hope everyone out there is doing well.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Clay and me!

We never get our picture taken so we resorted to this :)

Jackson at the beach

Jackson is suddenly in to drawing and writing letters, so the beach is the perfect place to practice. You can see him below jumping into the big hole we found and being a human bridge.

Jonah at the beach!

No one shows enthusiasm like Jonah! Since our small group moved to Monday nights, we've been going down to the beach on Sunday nights and just walking and playing. It's gorgeous this time of year and most of the tourists are gone. The last picture is Jonah being a human bridge over a huge hole that we found.