Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Stuff

New house=New furniture, right?

I got some new bar stools that I love.

This is our furniture in our screened in porch.

And last, but not least...
Clay's new toy! Posted by Picasa

My treehugger

I love this picture of Jonah! Somehow he posed perfectly. He loves hanging out by this tree in the backyard for some reason. Clay just happened to snap this picture! Posted by Picasa

Jackson's rules

So the other day we came across some footballs and frisbees and such, so we took them out in the backyard. The first thing Jackson did was pick up one of the footballs and throw it straight at the house (don't worry it was a soft one). Anyway, I said, "Okay, rule number one... no throwing footballs at the house!" He looks at me and says, "What's rule number two?" Then, if that wasn't enough, he thinks for a minute and says, "Rule number two... don't throw frisbees over the fence!" I just about died laughing. He's too smart for his own good.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Fall Festival

A few weeks ago the church had a fall festival and open house at the new building. There were tons of visitors from the community. The boys made crowns and visited the clown/balloon guy and went duck fishing :). There also was a puppet show and lots of those blow-up slides and moon-walks. Oh, and tons of food vendors from local restaurants.

 Posted by Picasa

It's November 10th...

and we took the top off the jeep today and cruised around with the boys! It was 82 degrees and sunny. We ran some errands and ate at Sonic (the perfect jeep place). This was the first time all 4 of us have ridden in the jeep. Jonah kept laughing! Jackson actually started to fall asleep. How, I don't know, with the wind in his face. Anyway, just thought I'd rub it in! :)