Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'll never get tired...

of driving down the road and looking out my window and seeing dolphins! Just today on our way to the mall, I looked out as we crossed the bridge and there was one swimming along. (This picture was actually taken during our sunset dolphin cruise.) Thank you God! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More of the Cartwrights

If this blog isn't enough for you to get your fill of the Cartwrights, then you can check out Clay's new website at
Since he has a mac, he gets a free website that is significantly better than this blog :) He can put videos up and do all sorts of cool stuff. WHY didn't I get a mac?! Anyway, check it out. It's got a cute video of Jonah walking!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Add to the list

My friends and I have a running list of questions that we want to ask God when we get to heaven. There are just things that aren't explained in the Bible and our lowly human minds can't grasp. Well here's one that is quickly rising to the top of my list... Why cockroaches? Seriously! I can't think of any reason for them. No animal eats them that I'm aware of and I can't think of anything that they eat that would benefit us. As I daily find one in the apartment, I have to wonder what God's plan was for them.
Any thoughts?

Jackson's other language

While we're working on potty training, Jackson gets an M&M if he uses the potty. The other day as he was running to the kitchen to get his M&M, Clay asked him what color he wanted. His response was "amarillo" (yellow for those of you who don't know). He now only uses Spanish to tell us what colors are!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

And He's Off!

Jonah is walking! He's finally taking more than 2 steps at a time. He will let go of the couch and walk to us or to another piece of furniture! He still can't quite change directions, but he's close. Another week and he'll be running right behind Jackson. When he falls, he sits up and claps for himself. It is sooo cute!


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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hangin' with Granginny

Jackson loves jumping over the waves. I think Granginny got a good arm workout!

Just Jonah and Granginny (again for the scrapbook)

Jackson flexes his muscles in front of the huge Neptune statue. Neptune is in the center of an area called Shelter Cove. This area consists of a large marina, shopping, outdoor dining, and live music. You will hear that description of pretty much everywhere on Hilton Head Island (HHI).

I'm not sure what Granginny is teaching Jackson here. Maybe they're practicing an act for America's Got Talent?? Posted by Picasa

Hangin' with Granpop

Granpop and Granginny were here to visit. We did lots of fun stuff, but as usual the best part is just hangin' on the back patio. Here in SC the views are much better! For example, here we're in the shade looking at a lagoon.

Just Jonah and Granpop! (done intentionally for the scrapbook)

This was taken at Harbour Town which is complete with its own lighthouse. Jackson climbed all 114 steps to the top! There is lots of shopping, outdoor dining, and live music in Harbour Town, plus you can check out all the huge boats.

We ate outside one night at a Mexican restaurant. As you can see the nice ocean breeze didn't quite make it to us! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Sandbox- local museum

Captain Jack on the pirate ship looking for ships to pillage.

The construction dudes are hard at work!

Jonah enjoys the toddler area.

Our future musician plays the sax. Posted by Picasa