Sunday, November 30, 2008

The brainwashing has begun...

Lexi dons her first Baylor paraphernalia.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Boys in KC

I know its a lot of pictures, but they were there for a month.  The grandparents, Aunts and Uncle spoiled them rotten.  I think they did every fun thing in KC while they were there.

The floating heads!

GG and the boys.

The boys and their new friend Kyle at Deanna Rose Farmstead.  Its a great free petting zoo that has a pumpkin patch this time of year.

Jonah, Jackson, Carolyn and Emma.

Aunt Amy had the whole first week off, so they did lots of fun stuff like painting, cake making, and chalk on the driveway.

The Bass Pro Shop had archery for preschoolers one night.  Jackson was the only one who showed up so he got lots of practice.

Of course, its not a true vacation unless you get to go out on Uncle Clay's boat.  

Soccer Jack!

Jackson is a Rattler this year.  All the teams have snake names.  I think we got the coolest!  He missed a few games while we were gone, but jumped right back in last weekend.  His team has only lost one game all season.  Makes a mom proud!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Random Pics!

Grandpa and Grandma and 3 crazy Cartwright kids.

Lexi's first trip to a Mexican restaurant.

Jackson likes to hug her, a LOT!

More beach pictures!

Jonah jumps off the dunes!

Grandpa and Grandma with the 3 kids.

Lexi goes to the beach!

We took the whole family to the beach last week.  Lexi spent most of the time in the stroller b/c we didn't want to have to chase her everywhere, but at the end, we let her out to see what she thought.  That first wave hit her feet and she just looked up at me with the biggest grin.  She loved it.  Of course, then she wanted to run after the water.  She stomped on all the bubbles and just laughed.  I was so afraid it would scare her and there would go all our beach trips, but she's now a true Cartwright beach bum!

We're alive!

I realize I have not posted now for 2 weeks, but we are alive and doing well.   My dad was here for a week when we got home and my mom just left yesterday.  All the kiddos are adjusting to each other the best they can :)  Lexi pretty much follows Jackson around.  Jonah is having a little harder time with all of it, but he's getting better.  We already had our first visit from the social worker and she gave us some good advice on sleeping and eating issues.   I need to work on pics and then I'll post some.  Clay does have a video posted on his website of all the kids, so you can check that out!  Again, thanks for all your prayers and support through our crazy life!