Saturday, August 23, 2008

More of Jonah

Jackson had a friend spend the night last night, so Jonah slept in Lexi's bed.  When we went in there last night, he took one look at the bed and started crying.  When I asked him what was wrong, he said, "I don't like pink, I like blue. I don't want to sleep there."  A few minutes later, Clay asked him what was wrong and he explained and then said, "I am angry about that!"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jonah came into our room with underwear on his head and made the following announcement... (view video).  Mute the music first so you can hear.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Alexis' Room

So here's the almost finished project.  We still need to hang the valances, but we're close.  The green walls turned out great.  The boys are so excited.  Jackson told me yesterday, we needed to stand in front of the bed and surprise Lexi.  It's definitely more pink than I ever thought I'd have in my house :)  I should have taken a picture of the inside of the closet.  It is stuffed with girlie dresses and tutus and hats!  So Fun!

All Eyes Ahead

So Clay and I found this the other day in the boys room.  If you look closely, everyone is facing the same way.  Apparently they were watching a movie on the wall :)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

4th of July

We spent the week of the 4th with Clay's family at a beach house in NC.  We swam in the pool and the ocean, played the wii at night, and generally just hung out, ate, and talked.  It was wonderful and relaxing.  Clay has posted a ton of pics on his website, but I wanted to put a few of my favorites up here. 


Clay and I have been very determined not to go into debt with the adoption, but with the value of the dollar going down and travel and fees going up, it seemed that a loan was unavoidable.  We decided to wait and pray about it.  This weekend, we got 3 checks that totaled enough to cover the entire 2nd trip to Russia which was basically all we had left!  God is faithfulness never ceases to amaze me.  Thanks to everyone who's given over the last year.  You will never know the true thankfulness in our hearts!


I'm a little behind in my posts, but at the end of June some gals here gave me an amazing shower. Let's just say, Alexis will be the best dressed 2 year old around!  Thanks to Jen, Marianne, Denise, and everyone else who helped out.  And, of course, thanks to "Miss LouAnne" for the yummy cookies. :)

Adoption Prayer

Many people have been asking what to pray for as far as the adoption goes.  A friend of mine sent me an Adoption Prayer Bracelet.  In it, each bead represents something, so I thought I'd share.
Purple- represents mourning.  Pray for peace and comfort for the baby's birth parents.
Black- represents abandonment.  Pray for the baby's protection.
Red- represents Russia.  Pray for her country to be open to God's love.
Pink- represents the baby. Pray that God will give her our voices so that she will know that we are her forever family.
Green- represents new life and renewal.  Pray that God will prepare her for her new life.
White- represents God.  Thank you Father, that you are already caring for the life of this little girl.
Double heart- Pray for her heart, tender to stay.  Guard it, protect it, Father, I pray.  On her wedding day for her to wear, give her a heart as a symbol of your prayer.