Friday, July 27, 2007

Hampton Lake

There's this new development opening up near here. The developer actually goes to our church. Anyway, the amenities center was finished first, so we got some friends that have a lot in there to call us in a pass (gated community). There's a large pool, a zero entry area, an adults only pool(complete with WIFI), a lazy river around an island and this big splash zone. Plus 2 playgrounds and a beach that looks over the lake. There's also a huge clubhouse and restaurant and boathouse. They have boats you can rent and motor around the lake. You can't swim in the lake b/c of gators. For our kids its like going to a preschool water park! They love it. We've been back a few times with friends. Notice that Jonah's feet are not on the ground!! The bridge in the picture goes over the lazy river to the island in the middle!

Jackson in July

What's better than some peanut butter on a biscuit! Gotta love the bed head! He's really into helping in the garden and he wants to pull weeds, so we got him his own tools and gloves to help. He also took swim lessons this month. He will now go completely under the water which was our big goal for the lessons.

Jonah in July

What can I say about this. He keeps us all laughing! And look at those blue eyes.

Missouri ain't got nothin' on South Carolina!

As we enter South Carolina from the north on I-95, this is what we were greeted with. Along with the worst Burger King ever. If I was from the northeast, I think I would turn around and go home. This 1st exit fit every stereo-type of the south!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


We decided to drive to CT this summer for vacation. It's about 15 hours to Ron and Ginny's so we split it up into 2 days. The boys did awesome! We packed lunches so we would stop along the way at rest stops and let the boys run around and eat. Jackson managed to eat yogurt in the car without creating too big of a mess, and Jonah didn't do too bad with the oreos either :) NC was way into the yellow day lilies along the road so we tried to snap a few pictures. And though they weren't the Rockies, we were very excited to see some mountains along the way. It's one of the most beautiful drives we've done!

CT- miniature golf

We decided to attempt to take the boys to play miniature golf. They did really well. It helped that almost every whole had a water element. Jackson got pretty good at putting by the end of the course. This course was great and sat right next to a river, so the view was amazing!

CT- the lake

We spent a day on the lake, boating and just relaxing. Jackson helped Granpop steer the boat while Jonah was the lookout. After the boat ride, Jonah spent the rest of the day throwing rocks in the lake. If you could see around his feet, there is no rock within 6 inches of him! Jackson spent his time in the sand. Clay and I took Jackson on a quick spin in the kayak. Notice our precision paddling!

CT- the Zoo

We spent the 4th of July week in Connecticut visiting Ron and Ginny. We also got to see my friend Tiffany from KC. Her husband is on a project in CT, so she and their son Logan are up there for the summer. We visited the Bridgeport zoo and got some fish and chips at a nearby harbor. Jonah had his first carousel ride at the zoo. He chose a horse while Jackson opted for a zebra!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Around the House

We got a new train table that Jonah absolutely loves. He'd spend all day there. Once in awhile he comes to us saying, "Brodor Boke Tain". For those of you who don't speak Jonah, that would be "brother broke train".

Jackson is on a tool kick. Every time Clay gets tools out to do something, Jackson goes and gets his tools from his Home Depot tool bench. These pictures are from him "helping" Clay hang new pictures in the dining room.

June Fun!

My parents came for a quick visit in June. We hit the beach and did some exploring at Jarvis Creek Park. The park has a paved trail around the lake (prime spot for the alligator) and a playground. Jackson and my dad discovered a hide-out under some live oaks that was complete with a black cat. The boys also spent some time in the new Diego sprinkler. Notice Jonah's aim with the sprinkler :)

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I love when the imagination kicks in! This morning Jackson crawls in our bed and says, "Since the TV is broken, let's pretend that we see animals doing funny things in the mirror!" So cute. He had his little wedding groom koala bear with him and a few minutes after we had done some pretending, he says that the koala sees something too. He reaches over to the bear and says something in this pretend deep voice of the koala! It was hilarious. Even Jonah laughed. We probably spent 30 minutes making up silly thing.