Jonah in his Elmo chair with his big box of mega blocks. In the background, you can see 2 of the 8 balls he got for Christmas! He tries to carry them all at the same time :)
What can I say about this?
The retro toy! He loves to push stuff around.
Charlie the talking grill. You can also see the Scooby Doo punching bag that Uncle Clay and Amy got him.
Last Sunday was the children and youth Christmas performance at church. Jackson was in the handbell choir along with about 20 other 3 and 4 year olds. This is him and his friend Collin. When they got on stage, they were seperated, but that didn't stop Jackson. About half-way through the performance, Jackson walk across the stage to stand by Collin. The two of them stole the show. Notice that they're at least a foot in front of all the other kids on stage. Jackson did so well that he stayed and peformed at 2nd service, and was even more animated the 2nd time around. Clay got the whole thing on video tape and there's a short clip of it on his website if you want to see the live action.
There's this gorgeous plantation and inn here called Palmetto Bluff. Let's just say that when you win an Academy Award, part of your gift basket is a vacation to this place. Anyway, they had a big Christmas festival this weekend and we went with our new friends, the Bests. They have a 3 year old boy, Collin, and an 18m old girl, Laura Grace. We took the opportunity of the beautiful setting to take some family pictures.
Jackson and I had the opportunity to go see Elmo's coloring book last week. Some friends of ours had free front row tickets and we got to go back stage and meet Zoe. Jackson took a little while to warm up, but in the end he and his friend Collin were dancing around.
Jackson had his 3rd Birthday party yesterday. It was a Thomas themed party. There were 4 other little boys that came, plus Jonah and another little sister. We had dinner, cake, and a pinata. They spent most of the time outside. You gotta love the south! I never thought Jackson would have a party where we could be outside. Thanks to everyone for the great presents!!
He is, in fact, officially a 3 year old BOY. This morning at breakfast, Jackson asked me if frogs and lizards pooped!! My life is going to be fun :) I will have pics of the Thomas party up soon!